The 2015 Annual Statements for Active and Deferred members of the UBC Staff Pension Plan will be in the mail the week of May 9. A Guide to reading your SPP Annual Statement is available on the Plan’s website to help you with reading your annual statement.
Please review your statement for any errors in beneficiary information, birth date, contributions, and pensionable service. If any personal information needs to be revised or updated, please circle this information and fax a copy of your statement with your comments to the Pension Administration Office at 604-822-9471, or mail a copy to the address provided. We will respond to member inquiries as quickly as possible.
Members who joined the Plan in 2016 will not receive their first statement until 2017 as statements are calculated as of Dec 31 of the prior year. However, you may view your benefit information by using your CWL account to log into myPension, which is available 24/7.
If you are a Deferred member who is under age 55 and you did not receive an annual statement there may be several reasons. Please use the Online Contact / Feedback Form to make an inquiry as to why you did not receive one.