Please keep us informed of any changes to your personal information to ensure that our records are up to date.
Changing Your Address, Telephone or Email Address
For Active Members
You can change your address and contact information as well as make name changes in Workday. All address changes made through Workday are automatically transferred to the UBC Pension Administration Office provided that you are still working at UBC and a member of the SPP. For Workday support and resources, visit the Integrated Service Centre.
For Pensioners or Deferred Members
Address or email changes can be made through myPension. Sign in to myPension and select the Communication Preferences tab.
If you are making a name change, please contact the UBC Pension Administration Office and we will update our records accordingly.
Change in Marital Status or Beneficiary Designation Change
For marital status changes, please refer to the Marriage, Common Law, Separation & Divorce page for further information.
For beneficiary changes, please refer to the Designating Your Beneficiary page.