Welcome to Pension Airwaves – a podcast brought to you by the Pension Administration Office.
Here, we will talk about all things related to the UBC Staff Pension Plan (SPP), including pensions in general, retirement considerations, and important Plan information. We will provide short episodes that include conversations about different pension-related topics, frequently asked questions, and interviews with SPP members and Pensions staff.
Have a suggestion for a topic or know someone you want us to interview? Reach out to the SPP Communications Team at pension.comms@ubc.ca
Podcast Episodes
- Episode 1: Intro to the podcast
- Episode 2: Benefits of being in the SPP
- Episode 3: Contributions
- Episode 4: Target Benefit Plans
- Episode 5: Executive Director, Pensions – Transition
- Episode 6: SPP 50th Anniversary: Looking back, it’s always been about looking forward
- Episode 7: COLA/Indexing
- Episode 8: SPP 50th Anniversary Part 2 – CUPE 116
- Episode 9: Pension Benefit
- Episode 10: Leaving the Plan Before Retirement
- Episode 11: Your Annual Statement
- Episode 12: Annual Plan Updates
- Episode 13: Taxes and Your Pension
- Episode 14: Beneficiaries
- Episode 15: SPP Guarantee Period
- Episode 16: What is an Actuarial Valuation?
- Episode 17: Retirement & Survivor Benefits (RSB) Program
- Episode 18: Meet an SPP Pensioner – Harvey Burian
- Episode 19: Joining the Pension Board (new: September 2024)
- Episode 20: Voting in SPP Board Elections (new: November 2024)
Disclaimer: This content has been compiled by the UBC Pension Administration Office for educational purposes. If there is any inconsistency between the contents of this communication and the pension plan documents or legislation, the plan documents and legislation will prevail.