Changing positions within UBC does not affect your enrolment in the UBC Staff Pension Plan (SPP) unless your new position is:
- an Hourly appointment, which is not eligible for the UBC SPP, or
- a Student appointment, or
- a Faculty appointment, or
- you were hired on or after January 1, 2007 and subsequently reach the high earnings threshold in the UBC SPP
In the latter two cases, you may be eligible to join/transfer to the UBC Faculty Pension Plan (FPP). If you are eligible to join/transfer to the UBC FPP, the UBC Pension Administration Office will send your information about your UBC SPP entitlement. For further information, please see Leaving UBC.
To receive all final paperwork, please ensure that your current address is on file with Financial Services. If you do not receive your information package, please contact the UBC Pension Administration Office.