An election and by-election are underway for three Plan members to join the UBC Staff Pension Plan (SPP) Board for two and four-year terms beginning January 1, 2025.
Your vote matters!
Your SPP pension is one of the most valued benefits offered by UBC and it will be part of your financial security in retirement. The SPP Board has an important role in the governance and administration of your pension plan. You have an opportunity to provide input on who will sit on the SPP Board and represent the interests of Plan members. To learn more about how the Plan is governed and the role and responsibilities of Board members:
- Listen to the Pension Airwaves podcast episodes, Joining the Pension Board and Voting in Pension Board Elections.
- Read the Governance and the UBC Staff Pension Plan Board article.
How to vote
Read the candidate statements for this year’s election and vote online. Voting closes at 4 pm PT on Thursday, November 21.
You are encouraged to vote online; however, if you prefer to mail in your vote, you can download paper ballots at the link above. For questions regarding the ballots or the election process, please email UBC Elections at