Your Staff Pension Plan pension payments are paid on the first day of each month; however, when the first day of the month is on a weekend or statutory holiday, your financial institution may not deposit the money into your account until the first business day of the month. The following are the pension payment dates for 2025:
- Thursday, January 2*
- Monday, February 3*
- Monday, March 3*
- Tuesday, April 1
- Thursday, May 1
- Monday, June 2*
- Wednesday, July 2*
- Friday, August 1
- Tuesday, September 2*
- Wednesday, October 1
- Monday, November 3*
- Monday, December 1
*Note: This is the first business day of the month; however, depending on your financial institution, your pension payment may be deposited earlier than this date.
If you have any questions regarding your pension payments, please contact Northern Trust at 1-800-711-1101.