
New Pension Airwaves Podcast Episodes

The Pension Airwaves podcast covers all things related to the UBC SPP, including pensions in general, retirement considerations, and important Plan information. The following new podcast episodes have been recently added: Episode 18: Meet a SPP Pensioner – Harvey Burian Episode 17: Retirement & Survivor Benefits Program Episode 16: What is an Actuarial Valuation? Listen […]

New 2024 Online Pension Workshop Dates

Make 2024 the year that you get educated about your pension benefits. New 2024 dates have been added to our website. Register for a workshop

The SPP and working past age 65

If you decide to continue working at age 65 and beyond, you need to decide if you would like to: Continue to make contributions and accrue pensionable service; or Stop making contributions and start your pension immediately or on the first of the month in a later month. For either option, you must start your […]

Other sources of retirement income: Old Age Security and the Canada Pension Plan

The Old Age Security (OAS) and the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) are the two federal public pensions in Canada. In addition to your UBC SPP pension and your personal savings, these government-administered pension programs are important sources of retirement income. OAS is a universal program that provides income to Canadians when they reach age 65. […]

Getting the most out of 2023: RRSP contributions & Pension Adjustments

Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs) are another way to save for retirement. When you contribute to an RRSP, it can help reduce the taxes on your income during your working years. While your money is in an RRSP it is usually tax exempt as long as the funds remain in the plan. In retirement, any […]

Pension Board Updates

At the end of 2023, Barry Gros completed his appointed term as Independent Chair for the UBC SPP Board. Barry was first appointed to the SPP Board in 2015 as a board member, and then in 2016 as Independent Chair. The SPP Board and management would like to extend their warmest thanks and appreciation to […]