
Keep in touch: Keeping your contact information current

The UBC SPP has a responsibility to all Plan members to keep them as fully updated and informed as possible about their pension benefit and about the pension plan itself. We provide a lot of information to our members as value-added services. This includes items such as brochures, newsletters, reports, seminars, and a comprehensive website. […]

2019 Cost of Living Adjustment

On January 1, 2019, SPP retirees received an increase to their pension of 1.15%.

Pension Office Holiday Closure

The UBC Pension Administration Office will be closed from December 25, 2018 to January 1, 2019 inclusive. The office will reopen on January 2, 2019. If you have an urgent pension inquiry during the holiday closure, please leave a message at 604.822.8119. These messages will be monitored over the holiday period. Lump sum payments for […]

Completion of Employer Contribution Increase

In our November 2017 newsletter we announced that the UBC Board of Governors approved an increase in the employer contribution to the SPP. The increase in the employer contribution rate assists the SPP Board in achieving its objective to ensure the SPP is financially sustainable for the long-term. The increase was implemented in two steps […]